A fast and super-stable wireless Internet has become part and parcel of everyday life in big cities. But immediately you move out from the city, you leave the Internet access zone. Once you are outside the city, video streaming and instant Instagram become only a mere dream. In remote areas, one even could be completely cut off from the Internet. Tele2 has effectively addressed this problem. With a LTE 4G 450 MHz technology, the company was able to roll out a network that delivers high-speed internet even to the most remote regions. We were tasked with launching a new complex product. We developed a communication strategy, identity, packaging, branded environment design, digital platform design and other assets – they all formed the product and created a strong emotional message.
The trademark is founded on the idea that Internet will be made available at remote places located far away from urban infrastructure. The logo combines two images: the famous Wi-Fi logo and the image of a sun leaving over the horizon. Orange color signifies energy, vitality and accessibility at the same time, so it was chosen as the base for the original color palette.
The visual communication system is based on images of places located far from developed urban infrastructure. This is a metaphorical message –the user can always count on having Internet access wherever he or she may be. All advertisements are targeted on three main audiences: owners of country houses, travelers and business representatives.
The project also features 3D visualization of devices, product packaging design, as well as full range of POS materials.
The Skylink website performs 2 functions: image and product. The site not only translates brand values, but also allows you to buy a contract and all the necessary equipment by a few clicks.
Tele2 created a remarkable product that delivers stable Internet access to remote locations. ONY helped to easily and affordably communicate the main idea of the product to users, as well as simplify the process of buying it. Now that Internet access can be made available in remote areas outside cities, traveling is now becoming ever free.
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